District Information
Board of Education
Summer Programs
News & Info
Dear Students, Parents/Guardians, and Staff,
This year, we continue our focus on social-emotional learning and the well-being of our students, staff and families. We have built a solid foundation for our “go-to person” initiative and ensuring our children will have trusted adults to turn to in times of challenges, need and/or celebration. Together, we can foster a positive learning environment for all. We will also continue to look to provide new and exciting academic opportunities for all of our students, while supporting them so that they can experience success.
As we continue to celebrate the positive experiences taking place in our District, we have launched Facebook and Instagram pages to support our already robust Twitter page. “Like” BayportBluePointSD on Facebook and follow @BBPschooldistrict on Instagram for a glimpse inside all of the amazing things happening in our classrooms. Additionally, our newly designed website, www.bbpschools.org, allows for easy navigation of our latest news, events and important information. As we continue to value open communication within our home to school partnership, I encourage you to visit our website and social media platforms regularly to stay up to date on current events and happenings within our district.
The Bayport-Blue Point community is very special, and I pledge that our schools are a place “where you belong, where we believe in you, where anything is possible.”
Thank you for your continued support.
Timothy P. Hearney, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools