Nurse's Office

Angela O’Leary, RN
Wanda Davila, RN
Office: 472-7840 ext: 3050
Fax: 472-7857

Welcome! I’m Mrs. O’Leary the Sylvan Avenue Elementary School Nurse!

I am here to take care of your child’s health needs while they are away from you during the day. Please use the links provided to access health office information, forms, policies and guidelines. Please don’t hesitate to call or email with any other questions that you may have.
Stay healthy



New York State mandates that all kindergarteners, 1st, 3rd and 5th graders and all new entrants submit a physical exam. Acceptable physical exams are administered not more than 12 months prior to the commencement of the school year in which they are required. This exam can be done by your private physician or by our school physician, Dr. Donatelli. 



New York State mandates vaccinations for all children except those with a valid medical exemption. New York State no longer accepts religious exemptions. Please see the NYS Immunization requirements in the link below for the most current information. When your child receives vaccines please submit an immunization record to the nurse's office.



New York State mandates vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings. Kindergartens require vision (near point, color and distance) and hearing. 1st, 3rd and 5th require vision and hearing. 5th grade girls require scoliosis screening. These screenings are done by the school nurse in the health office. You will be notified by voice mail and letter for any problems with any of the screenings. If you suspect a problem at any time please don’t hesitate to contact me for an evaluation.



Children who are ill will need to be picked up in a timely manner. Please keep your contact information current. Illnesses to be sent home for include: vomiting, diarrhea, temperature greater than or equal to 100.0, unknown rashes or cold symptoms interfering with learning, pink eye and/or other communicable diseases. Please keep your child home for 24 hours fever free off of fever reducing medications. (Tylenol or Motrin)


Injury/Gym/Recess Notes:

Children will need a doctor's note, indicating the illness or injury, to be excused from gym and recess and will need a doctor's note to be cleared to return to gym and recess. If the injury requires use of the elevator or a scribe, please include that on the doctor's note. For a one day illness/injury, a parent note will be accepted once. If the injury/illness continues a doctor's note will be required.

Medication in School:

Children requiring medication during the school day must have parental/guardian permission and a doctor’s order. This includes all medication including over the counter medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, cough medicine, antacids, cough drops, etc. An adult must bring the medication in its original container to the nurse’s office. For the safety of your child and the other students, your child should not carry any medications or self medicate. For asthma students: we have a school nebulizer, please just send in the orders, permission, medication and tubing.

Policies & Guidelines

Head Lice: (Pediculosis)

Our district has a no nit policy. That means that a child needs to be free of all active lice and any nits (lice eggs) before he/she can return to school. On return to school you will be asked to accompany your child to the health office. I will screen your child for any lice or nits. If any lice or nits are discovered your child will be sent back home with you.




Student Health Services: